Wednesday 5 March 2014

Thai Blue Swimmer Crab Linguine
(Páat-sà~dtâa-sên-ling-gwi-nîi bpuu máa)

Australian Blue Swimmer Crab is known as Horse Crab (bpuu máa) in Thailand but is the same species..

Serves 2
3 garlic cloves minced (grà~tiiam กระเทียม)
2 Thai shallots chopped (hɔ̌ɔm-dɛɛng หอมแดง)
2 tablespoons olive oil (nám-man-má~gɔ̀ɔk น้ำมันมะกอก)
4 - 5 birds eye chillis chopped finely (prík kîi nǔu พริกขี้หนู)
2 tablespoons coriander root and stems crushed with a mortar and pestle (râak pàk-chii รากผักชี)
cracked pepper (prík-tai-dam พริกไทยดำ)
30 ml fish sauce (nám-bplaa น้ำปลา)
8 cherry tomatoes halved (má~kʉ̌ʉa-têet มะเขือเทศ)
70 g cooked and picked Thai horse crab meat (bpuu máa ปูม้า)
1½ cups vegetable stock (náam-dtôm-pʉ̂ʉt น้ำต้มพืช)
1 level teaspoon cornflower (bpɛ̂ɛng-kâao-pôot แป้งข้าวโพด)
Juice of one small fresh lime (nám má~naao น้ำมะนาว)
1 bunch of coriander leaves (bai pàk-chii ใบผักชี)
200 g cooked linguine (páat-sà~dtâa-sên-ling-gwi-nîi พาสต้าเส้นลิงกวินี)

1, Cook the linguine in lightly salted boiling water with a touch of olive oil (10 minutes).
2. In a wok saute the garlic, chilli, shallots, pepper and coriander root & stems in a small amount of oil until golden.
3. Add the fish sauce and cook for about 10 seconds to release the flavour.
4. Add the stock, tomatoes, corn flour and reduce until you have a sauce that will coat the pasta.

5. Toss the pasta with the sauce and add the crab meat, remaining olive oil, chopped coriander leaves and lime juice. Serve topped with grated parmasan cheese.

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